Category: Thoughts

“Shrubs in the garden, perennials from seed and garden surprises”

Final Thoughts: “Shrubs in the garden, perennials from seed and garden surprises” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling A nice surprise greeted me one morning a couple of weeks ago – I looked out the window at the weeping willow that hangs over one corner of our garden from the neighbours (a very nice ‘borrowed’ plant) and saw [Continue]

Birds and Blossoms

Final Thoughts: “Birds and Blossoms” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling Stepping out onto the patio a week ago, I was surprised by a very sweet scent filling the air…since this is our first February in this place, I had no idea what this was, or where it was coming from. It didn’t take long to find the [Continue]

Welcome to the New Year

Final Thoughts: “Welcome to the New Year” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year celebrations. It was truly amazing watching and waiting for the Millennium, sharing it with everyone around the world on TV. As planned, we stayed home with all my family and some relatives, quiet and cosy [Continue]

Gardening in the Future

“Gardening in the Future” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling The last month of the Millenium is undoubtedly a time for reflections, both forwards and backwards, for everybody, but I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that gardeners are more aware than others of the passing seasons and years. We keep journals of what we do each season, [Continue]

Reflections on the Past Season, and Future Dreams

Final Thoughts November 1999: Reflections on the Past Season, and Future Dreams by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling Another year over in the gardening world, and many lessons learnt and pleasures had. One of the treats right now is being able to breathe a little easier since most of the work for the year is completed, not that [Continue]

Just say NO and just say YES!

Feature Article November 1999: Just say NO and just say YES!   Well, the rain is-a-coming but there’s still more to do in the garden.. Just like there’s a continuous stream of work to do at the office, there’s always more to do in the garden. A garden is a process just like anything else and [Continue]