Category: General Posts

Abkhazi Garden – the incredible story

by Judith Brand and Cyril Hume. November 18, 1999 will be a date to remember for Canadian garden enthusiasts. On that day the Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) negotiated an option to purchase the Abkhazi Garden in Victoria, Canada’s “City of Gardens.” Only a few months earlier neighbours had learned of a developer’s plans [Continue]

Beneficial Insects – Think Before you Squish

by Sharon Hanna Everyone’s favourite “BI” – the ladybird For years, well-meaning gardeners routinely maimed, swatted, sprayed and squished every bug they could get their hands on. However careful observation of nature and the move to organic practices have shown that encouraging “good” bugs, or beneficial insects (the politically correct name) is one way to [Continue]

Welcome to the New Year

Final Thoughts: “Welcome to the New Year” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year celebrations. It was truly amazing watching and waiting for the Millennium, sharing it with everyone around the world on TV. As planned, we stayed home with all my family and some relatives, quiet and cosy [Continue]

Mandela’s garden gets a TV makeover

Gardeners In The News: Mandela’s garden gets a TV makeover By Paul McCann, Media Correspondent, The Times Down the garden path: Mr Mandela returned home to find Alan Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock and, right, Tommy Walsh from Ground Force. Photograph: BBC THEY are the famous team of surprise visitors who like to sneak in and rearrange [Continue]