A quick tidy up of the courtyard

All I meant to do today was to go out with my son and replant his pumpkin, and that was only because I felt so guilty about him having to drop out of his afterschool gardening club because of my new job. He came home last week with his tiny pumpkin plant that he had grown from seed and instructions to repot it immediately. Out we went into the warm sunshine, and only about three hours later did we come back in for lunch! This always seems to happen when you work in the garden, you lose track of time so easily. I thought I might just tidy up the courtyard area a little bit while I was outside since it was such an unwelcoming mess. I took the broom and swept up all the clutter that the kids inevitably make, and the bits of leaves and twigs that blow around and get stuck in the corners. It looked so much better so quickly that I thought I might also weed along the edges as well. Being an old house the bottom edge of the stones are quite pitted with lots of dirt stuck into the cracks and crevices between the house wall and the stones of the patio – just perfect for all manner of weeds to take root. Using my favourite gardening tool, a big old screwdriver, I dug up all the weeds and swept the area again. Now things were looking really smart! It is amazing how a bit of attention can change the look and feel of an entire area so quickly. Now the courtyard felt like somewhere we might sit occasionally and have a quiet drink or maybe even dinner!

It felt great to be back out in the garden again! There is so much more work to be done even in this small courtyard area, but I’m looking forward to making this into a really nice area for the whole family to spend time this summer.

The Garden Tapestry Journal will now be in a slightly different format, updates weekly or possibly even more often, but I will still send out the email messages letting you all know the latest, so be sure to sign up for your free subscription.

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