The Journal is back in publication after a hiatus during the summer while we relocated to Stockholm, Sweden! We are now finally a little more settled and ready to go once again. This issue talks about some of the differences in the plants and seasons here in Stockholm, as well as featuring articles from around the gardening and horticultural world. Welcome back!
I hope you enjoy this month’s features.
Feature Article:
“Rare Rose Found at Alcatraz” by Simon de Bruxelles (from The Times, Oct 03, 2000)
October Garden Action Items:
Autumn work around the garden is usually a pleasure with the lovely fall colours to light your way.
Feature Plant:
Tilia sp., Lime (Linden) Tree: A plant that is rare in Vancouver is a common street and park tree here in Europe.
Horticulture News from Around the World:
Potato Mining in England;
Daffodil Drugs in Europe;
Garden dangers defined in the Netherlands.
Final Thoughts:
“Stockholm – our new environment” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling
Hedgerows Garden Tapestry and