The first month of summer has everyone going to or coming from a flower show somewhere. We have some coverage of Chelsea, the show of shows, and also a local Vancouver show and how they compare. The June Action Items list has a good mix of vegetable and flower garden jobs, and the In-Depth feature illustrates how to get more from your plot by planting crops in succession. Hort News from around the World focuses on vegetables, used in ways you may not have thought of…The first of the Summer Book Review series looks at a new book on perennial gardening in B.C.’s varied climate, and in my Final Thoughts column, the topics cover shrubs, perennials from seed and garden surprises.
I hope you enjoy this month’s features.
Feature Article:
Flower Shows & Festivals around the world – ’tis the time!
A look at some of the famous and not-so-famous garden shows taking place at this time of year.
June Garden Action Items:
Full steam ahead with this month’s list of things to do.
Summer Book Review Series:
“Perennials for British Columbia” by Alison Beck & Marianne Binetti.
A great new book for beginner to intermediate gardeners that need to deal with BC’s various climatic conditions.
June In-Depth How-To:
Increase your garden’s yield with Succession Planting
Horticulture News from Around the World:
Three diverse stories from Spain, Britain and India, all centred on vegetables.
Final Thoughts:
“Shrubs in the garden, perennials from seed and garden surprises” by Mala Gunadasa-Rohling
Hedgerows Garden Tapestry and